
If I can do it,,U Can do it

Never Say that You Can't : If I can then you can and every one Can do The same.. This is my weight loss journey and still working on it , am always trying to maintain the Weight that i have lost..I have been through ups and downs and some times I used to say that i cant and then i kept watching Motivational Videos and done everything that could motivate me,, and once I feel am losing the weight that i want I feel like am the happiest and more healthy as well.. When I started to lost weight it was because of health issues That i was hardly breathing However am still a plus size and am so happy with the curves that I got for working out and still am proud of being a plus size :)

#BodyPositivity 💚💚💚


Best ways to keep your Self Confidence

Best 10 ways to Stay confident Is: 1-Always Feel Yourself      Keep telling yourself that you are Beautiful The way you are..Never let any one tell you other wise dont give the chance to anyone to reduce your self confidence whoever this person is. 2-Keep on smiling    always Keep the smile on your face don't let any one ruin your day/life  3-Love yourself     Keep loving yourself because you deserve to be loved by all means, you are beautiful inside out. 4-Dress your favorite outfit:     Always dress the best outfit or the outfit you love the most that keep you feeling yourself, Do your Hair put some make up on do what ever makes you happy  5-Stay away from negative people:    Always Keep the distance away from Negativity and Drama  6-Keep your body open:    This means that you get to know every one around talk to everyone get yourself noticed  7-Recognize your talents:    Do what you love the most Like arts, Fashion, Music etc... you will feel the love do w